Choosing between telemedicine and in-person psychiatric care is a personal decision influenced by your comfort, schedule, and specific mental health needs. Both options have unique benefits, so it's essential to consider which approach best fits your lifestyle and the level of care you require.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, telemedicine psychiatry services have significantly increased, making it a popular choice for obtaining mental healthcare among busy professionals or students. Some of the more impactful benefits of telemedicine psychiatry include:
Flexibility and Convenience
Access care from anywhere so long as it's a private and comfortable setting for mental healthcare. This makes this option ideal for those with busy schedules who need flexible scheduling and quick appointment turnaround.
Access to More Providers
Telehealth services open up your options for care. You are no longer limited to local providers and can search for a provider that aligns better with your needs in a nearby city instead.
This is especially helpful for those with limited mental health providers in their area or those limited to providers with extensive wait lists for services.
Increased Privacy
Having the option to choose where to take your appointment can increase your control over privacy which helps promote comfort and ease in talking about sensitive topics with your provider.
Easier for Those with Travel Limitations
Telehealth may be a better option for patients that may have limited travel opportunities including those with mobility concerns, disabilities, or caregivers with limited time to attend an appointment.
However, there are also limitations to telemedicine psychiatric care, including things like having poor internet connections or technical glitches during a session. Other concerns include the lack of physical presence to facilitate a connection with your provider. At Lucent Psych, Andrea's warm approach and authenticity in her sessions help clients connect and feel comfortable speaking with her as if their sessions were in person.
On the other hand, in-person psychiatric care can help some individuals feel more supported, given the face-to-face interactions and the non-verbal communication displayed. There is also the benefit of having a structure or routine for getting mental health treatment that includes physically driving to the office and mentally preparing for the session along the way.
However, the same process of driving to the office can also expose patients to stressors around the commute and time management, which can deter some from continuing care.
How To Decide Which Type of Psychiatry Care is Right for You?
The choice of telemedicine psychiatric care versus in-person care really depends on you and your unique needs. Here are some questions to help you determine which is a better fit:
Do you have a busy schedule and need more flexibility?
Telehealth psychiatry services may be a better option for your lifestyle, offering greater access to care from anywhere that is most convenient for your schedule. This is especially helpful for those working in the city with long commute times and/or those with long working hours.
Do you need more structure around your care?
In-person psychiatry services may offer greater structure around your mental healthcare and more accountability, given the sacrifice it takes to work an in-person appointment into your schedule and routine.
Do you have any physical or logistical limitations to travel?
Telehealth psychiatry services reduce the stressors of commuting, making it easier to balance your schedule with other caregiving or parenting responsibilities.
If you’re unsure which option fits your needs, schedule a free consultation with us at Lucent Psych. We’ll walk you through Dr. Ancer Leal's experience and help you consider both options as you determine which is a better fit for you.